25.01.2024 - 02:38

Luke S. - Harvey

  • Level of experience

    No experience

  • Number of students wanting lessons

    1 person

  • Student age


  • Preferred location

    As recommended by trainer

  • Get to know your prospective student

    Long distance truck driver had substance abuse issues most my life been to prison few timed have been bullied here and there pretty big fella but can't throw a punch to saved my life win lose or draw you got to punch on in your life every now and then ...My understanding of judo is using your opponents movements against him ..... I'm about attend to rehab and always wanted to learn judo seems like a healthy habit not interested in MMA boxing kickboxing or that sort of thing.... But I'd like to be able to learn a discipline and fold someone up if they ever come at me at me

  • Day preference


  • Time preference

    Early morning (before 9am)
    Morning (9am - noon)
    Early afternoon (noon - 3pm)
    Late afternoon (3 - 6pm)
    Evening (after 6pm)

  • Customer understands that pros pay to quote

    I understand

  • How would you like to meet with the Professional?

    At the Professional location (max. 50 km distance)
    Remote: by Phone or Internet